Now, since the Beloved Spouse is a Pirates fan, this was just recompense for my having whooped it up as the Cubs beat the Rangers last month. Alas for him, however, the Rangers came from behind to win--and the shot above captures the fireworks (with a waxing Gibbous moon peeking over) after Josh Hamilton hit the third home run of the evening for Texas. After the fireworks had finished, I got a slightly better shot of the moon (albeit a bit blurry).

Since I'm finally on holiday for a couple of weeks, I'll get back to bitching about oil spills tomorrow--but for now, I wanted to wish folks a happy Skywatch Friday, and a terrific weekend.
I love fireworks. =) Nice photo.
Lovely reminders of a day well-spent in good company. Can't beat it! It's just me and the animals this weekend as Barry has taken eldest daughter and two of her children sailing - I shall enjoy time to myself, but be very happy to see him again on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend and your break, Candace.
I might be doing some bitching of my own shortly about Bhopal :-(
Nice skies, lovely memories.
I like both the moon and the fireworks. I think both shots are just great.
Thanks for visting my site.
P. S. It's nice to meet another Cubs fan.
There's nothing like watching a good ball game, I can't wait for tomorrow's games though. yes I am indeed a soccor fan.
Great photographs very stunning...I like it!
Mapeh Homepage
phs. I like this firewaorks.
Looks like you had a great night of skywatching and baseball! Fun shots! Thanks for visiting mine.
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