I haven't been posting much on Skywatch Friday lately, but this single meme has changed the way I look at the sky--and increased exponentially the amount of time I spend paying attention to what's going on above me. I couldn't possibly be more enthusiastic about the team and its efforts--thanks, as always.
A couple of weeks ago, when the weather was rather "interesting" (read nasty and brutish), I looked out my window at a golden evening, with apricot-colored light glowing against a solid background of cloud. The cloud cover persisted for the next twenty four hours, but began to break up just as it started getting dark.
I love the bare branches of trees against the sky anyway, but the changes from evening to evening are worth watching.

The sun broke through enough for a sunset--albeit obscured somewhat by bare pecan trees.

The opening shot reminds me a (very) little of Caspar David Friedrich's paintings evoking the sublime, like this one,
Abbey in an Oak Forest:

That's it for now; Thanksgiving breads are in the oven and I've got to keep an eye on them. My daughter's cooking this year, and all I have to do is make the dinner rolls. Talk about sublime!
Images: all shots taken with my Nikon D80 on auto exposure. The Friedrich painting comes from Wikimedia Commons.
It is fascinating to look at the same scene in different lights. Lovely sequence!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Nice colours and photos, happy thanksgiving to you. Thanks for sharing:)
Marvelous sequence of shots! Wonderful colors!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
So many different colours. Great.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
good silhouettes of trees against the sky.
I could sign under that first paragraph (well apart from not posting recently). That's the most fun thing in this meme - it makes you look up and see more.
Great series of photos, Happy skywatching. :)
Wonderful photos and I love the first photo the most.
Happy Thanksgiving
Great sequence of photos, which I prefer to the painting!
Different colors. Beautiful series.
Yes, the meme does make one more aware. I find myself anticipating the canges in the sky, will the clouds grow or dissipate. Will it be a blue sky day or will the farmers burn the rice fields putting a pall over the valley, obsucring my view of the coast range?
I hope you have had a wonderful day. I have missed your thoughtful essays of late but then, your students deserve your attention so I shant complain.
it's always interesting to see different sunsets everyday. glad you were able to capture them :)
I too like the bare branches. they evoke mystery and poetry. MB
Candace: What a neat series and the painting is special. Loved all your sky colors.
I often have trees or limbs in my sky photos and you are right if one does a few SkyWatch Fridays you do look at the sky more often and in a different manner
Nice shots - and painting, too.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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