As I mentioned in my previous post, a couple of weekends ago we drove down to the San Antonio area to celebrate my father-in-law's eightieth birthday. The Beloved Spouse, my daughter, the puppies, and I all piled into the Element for my first trip out of town in a couple of years. I remembered to thank poor old Koko, who's recent demise made the trip possible in the first place, and raised a toast to him that evening.
This week's rather unexceptional Skywatch photo was taken from my father-in-law's patio in a posh retirement subdivision in the hill country. He's got a great view (and had an "Arlo and Woody Memorial Fence" built when he bought the place, just so we could take the dogs). On top of that, the weather was fine enough for me to sit out to grade exams before the surprise party we threw for him. We had a wonderful time seeing family again, and enjoying good company, good food, and very good wine.
But the sky was relentlessly blue all weekend. We didn't see a single cloud until we neared Dallas at sunset the following evening. Today's sky is pretty much the same. The last time I saw anything with any drama was on the 1st, when I ran outside in my slippers to get this one before the sun plummeted:

The holiday forecast is for pleasant weather (sunny and 58). As Mariana Greene, the Daily Poop's feature garden columnist, put it this morning, "I try to remind myself every little chance I get that these kinds of days in November (and often in December through March) are our payback here in North Texas for six months or more of heat. " I'm with her. If we put up with the worst of this climate, we deserve the best it offers in recompense.
And those six days off? As much time as possible will be spent winterizing the garden. That North Texas weather has a habit of turning around and biting us in our collective backsides.
Ah, nothing more unpredictable than Texas skies!! Having been born and raised there, I do remember! Fantastic captures for the day! Hope you have a great weekend!
Lovely skies. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
Maybe not spectacular, but very pretty photos. That looks like a great place to retire!
Pretty sky over the Hill Country!
We also are having Thanksgiving with our daughter and her DH and their friends. Her good friend is welcoming about 40 of us for an all day open house get together at their home way up in Laurel Canyon so the view will be lovely and the after supper walks will be steep!
Have a wonderful long weekend and know that the weather here in Southern California is much the same as your Texas temps at this point in the year.
Enjoy the gentle days while they last, even Texas can experience winter, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your daughter.
Yes, we get a LOT of clear, blue skies here in the desert, too! So whenever we get a cloudy day, I RUN outside with my camera! (tee hee!)
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